AquaCity, Poprad – named the world's leading green resort at the World Travel Awards – sponsors Going Green on RTI.

AquaCity, Poprad – named the world's leading green resort at the World Travel Awards – sponsors Going Green on RTI.

22 October 2007, Poprad, London: RTI, Radio Tatras International, the leading pan-European English/Slovak radio station, is proud to announce the commencement of a new mini-series called GOING GREEN.

GOING GREEN will be short sponsored programs explaining how anyone can help the environment and often save money whilst they are doing so.

Jan Telensky, owner and chief executive of AquaCity, said, “Even though AquaCity has been awarded for it’s work within the complex, there is much more we need to do to help mother earth.

“AquaCity is now a globally recognised example of how we can create sustainable tourism, one of the most overwhelming issues the travel industry faces today and a far-reaching example of how to use green technology to commercial advantage.

“Many of those examples we now wish to share with the RTI audience and additionally some ideas that we have received from the RTI listeners.”

Eric Wiltsher, Broadcast Director RTI, added, “This is a perfect of example of sustainable business supporting the wider issue of the environment.

“Many of the tips in GOING GREEN are obvious, but being reminded about them helps us to actually do something about GOING GREEN.

“As Mr Telensky stated, using green technology can be of great commercial advantage, it can also be of financial advantage to those at home as well – just changing one light bulb can make a difference to the environment and the home-owners electricity costs.”

GOING GREEN can be heard seven days a week on RTI, in Slovak and English, and listeners with additional suggestions for inclusion in future programmes should e-mail


Notes for Editors

For more information about RTI:

Petra Norris - Telephone (office hours) +421 (0)52 78 71 999

For more information about AquaCity and it’s environmental achievements:

Mary Stuart-Miller –